Growing your own food can be an amazing venture that can save money and give you a newly found sense of pride. Many veggies can be harvested in the summertime, but you might be unclear about which ones are best to harvest in the fall. These are some of the top veggies to consider harvesting during the fall months:
Rutabagas probably don’t get the credit they deserve because of their strange name. However, they are tasty veggies with loads of nutrients, like vitamin C, magnesium, and potassium.
Rutabagas are excellent vegetables for fall harvest because they can grow at cool temperatures. They take about 100 days to grow, so be sure you plant them early enough.
Everyone needs a little spinach in their diet. Thus, you should consider planting this energy-inducing vegetable for your Autumn vegetable harvest. You can use it to create fantastic green shakes, personalize your salads or sandwiches, or compliment garlic and onions for a delightful steak dinner. Spinach takes about two months from when you plant it to grow, so you need to ensure you put your seeds down early enough.
Broccoli and Cauliflower
Broccoli and cauliflower are two veggies often found as side dishes on people’s dinner plates. They become a sauteed delight when cooked in olive oil and seasoned well. They are excellent for your fall harvest because they grow best at medium temperatures. Broccoli can grow at temperatures as low as 40 degrees, while cauliflower has optimum growth at around 60 degrees.
Garlic has so many redeeming qualities that it would be wrong to forget about it. Its antiseptic properties can help you improve your dental health, and it can double as a digestive aid. It’s not the best-smelling item after you eat it, but it can transform many meals into mouthwatering dishes.
Garlic can take from six to eight weeks to grow, so you’ll need to plant it early in the fall.
Radishes are good choices for a fall vegetable harvest for their unique color, multiple purposes, and nutrients. They are amazing veggies to plant if you want to get calcium, magnesium, and zinc from one item. The best part about adding radishes to your harvest is their short growing cycle. They only take 30 days to grow, so you won’t have to rush to plant them.
Other notable vegetables for a fall harvest are lettuce, beets, Brussel sprouts, and snap peas. You can create a fabulous vegetable garden with the right strategy and a winning combination of vegetable choices.
Sit down and think about which veggies you love the most and which ones your family members might need. Write down the list and then shop for the seeds for each vegetable.
Plant the ones with the longest growth time first, and take your time with the rest of them. If you plan everything accordingly, all of your lovely veggies will sprout at the same time. Then you can get creative and downright artistic with your meals.